Friday, March 11, 2016

Will English Lesson Still Be Effective In Curriculum 2013?

Department of Education in Indonesia has repeatedly changed the curriculum. Public often judge that the change of Minister of Education will be followed by the change of the policy. Education Unit Level Curriculum (=Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan/ KTSP) will be replaced by the Curriculum 2013 in this July 2013. The reason is the failure of some schools to implement KTSP. The educators do not fulfill the teaching requirements demanded by KTSP such as lesson plans (RPP) and syllabus. Even if they have it they just buy and do not teach the way that is written on it. So, the Department of Education assessed it as a failure in the implementation of KTSP. This new curriculum is considered as a process to improve the quality of education. Students are directed to be more creative in learning with observation based learning method and forming networking. However, there are some lessons which are reduced the hours of lesson on the grounds of efficiency and effectiveness in Curriculum 2013, one of which is the English subject. Thus, if the government applied Curriculum 2013 in Senior High School, I believe that English lesson would not be effective anymore because four aspects (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in English would not be achieved, teachers should compress the material, and the compression of the material could not be absorbed by some students optimally.